In a country like India, there are so many people suffering from different kinds of diseases. Among all, one kind of disease is DENGUE. The global burden of dengue is evident for 3.9 billion people at risk, 20,000 deaths, and 500,000 hospitalizations annually.
Children have inherent inquisitiveness and eagerness to learn new things. Thus, they can serve as an effective change agent in bringing about behavioral change in any community. The present study was designed to give a comprehensive amount of groundwork research which led to the development of effective training material.
Training strategy implies the integration of resources and skills needed to accomplish a particular goal. The study aimed to increase knowledge on dengue, its signs and symptoms, mosquito breeding sites, and mosquito life cycle followed by the inculcation of good practices for the prevention of dengue. Various training modalities were used for achieving the set-forth objective, which involved the implementation of more than one training method.
One of the leading Howrah CBSE schools named Sudhir Memorial Institute had also adopted some of the strategies for the prevention and control of dengue. Some are as follows –
- Use Mosquito repellent in school
- Wear protective clothing
- Use mosquito deterrents
- Refrain from breeding grounds
- Make sure your school is well lit
- Be knowledgeable about dengue fever
Use mosquito repellent in school
The most efficient way to prevent dengue fever is to use mosquito repellent creams. Not only in homes but also in CBSE School in Howrah mosquito repellents are used. These creams should not be applied more than 3 times a day and the duration of protection usually varies depending on the brand. The higher the concentration, the longer the protection. However, some people might react badly to the chemicals in cream repellents, so make sure you do a patch test first. Some other effective repellents include
Mosquito patches
Repellent bands
Mosquito wipes
Wear protective clothing
It is known to all of us that during monsoon season, some the diseases like malaria and dengue spread very faster. So it’s very necessary to wear protective clothing. During mosquito season it is advisable to sleep in rooms with air-conditioning and windows covered with mosquito nets. Also, wear clothing with long sleeves and long pants that cover the skin as much as possible. The less exposed skin you have, the lower your chances of getting bitten. It is also advisable to wear light-colored clothing as this usually repels mosquitoes.
Use mosquito deterrents
When cleaning the school, we use cleaning solutions and other deterrents that prevent dengue mosquitoes from entering the school and it is too used in many houses. This includes electronic vaporizers that usually keep mosquitoes out of the house and schools all day. In fact, the management of the school takes care of their child and keeps the toilet and classrooms clean. The full school area is cleaned daily and on a regular basis for the student’s safety.
Refrain from breeding grounds
Mosquitoes usually inhabit areas that are rife with grime, like stagnant pools, as these places allow mosquitoes to breed. The school ensures that no part of its school has an unnecessary collection of dirt or filth, such as unwashed dishes or unclean floors. Having a clean and tidy school is extremely important to prevent dengue mosquitoes from infecting you.
Make sure your school is well lit
Mosquitoes usually breed in small dark places. Have the sun stream through the windows all day to ensure your school isn’t inviting mosquitoes in. For added protection, make sure windows and doors are closed and covered with mosquito screens, especially in the rainy season.
Be knowledgeable about the dengue fever
Dengue fever is caused when the virus is present in the salivary glands of the mosquitoes and transmitted to humans by mosquito bites. . Because of the severity of the disease, prevention is always the best cause when it comes to dengue. It is important for families to be informed about dengue, its effects, and the precautions they need to take to avoid being affected by this debilitating disease.
Sudhir Memorial Institute is known as the best CBSE School in Howrah which has taken a pledge to take care of its students at the level best. The best facilities are too provided by them to their students. And the strategies adopted by them are also very good.