“Knowledge is a consequence of experience”. More the experience in the practical world, the better would be the understanding. Project based learning is a hands-on experience to understand, explore and acquire a deeper knowledge about a subject. Through the help of project based learning, students can view their subjects from another perspective of learning. Through this web blog, you will know about the benefits of project based learning taught in the top school in Howrah and also about that particular school in broad detail.
Project based learning inspires students to develop a balanced approach in solving real world problems. Project based learning provides opportunities for increased student engagement and depth of understanding.
Like other school in Howrah, Sudhir Memorial Institute Liluah is also one such English medium school which is engaged in providing the project based learning to its students since long years ago. Some of the services students could get from the best school in Howrah are as follows –
- Ground plan
- Library
- Science lab
- CCTV Surveillance
- Computer room
- Transportation
- Medical facilities
Let us understand about project based learning in broad detail. Actually with PBL or project based learning, students work on projects for extended period of time. It might be a week, two weeks or something they stick with over an entire semester. With the PBL projects, students can learn, teach their friends, research, review and also give their feedback or opinion through their whole project.
Benefits of the project based learning approach
- Critical thinking
- Meaningful collaboration
- Deeper engagement
- Fosters creativity
- Cross discipline
- Perseverance
- Collaboration
- Empowerment
- Problem solving
- Project management
Critical thinking
Like other school in Howrah, Sudhir Memorial Institute Liluah recognises the need for teaching this fundamental skill, but the project based learning open up unique learning opportunities for critical thinking. Through PBL, students meet expert teachers and learn from others and develop their skills for receiving feedback.
Meaningful collaboration
As students start to work within a group, they instill so many of the interpersonal values and the skills they need. Students learn to value their work, share responsibilities and compromise. Students also start to make a meaningful collaboration with their teachers too.
Deeper engagement
This is one of the most beautiful by products of this approach. Students learn more because they want to learn more. They become the driving force for their own learning as they discover their voice matters and their learning has relevance and purpose.
Fosters creativity
Through project based learning in school in Howrah, students become more creative and fosters creativity. The teachers here provide them the support and guidance, but students take charge of the project individually. The choice of what to use and how to present materials are left to the students. This will make them more creative.
Cross discipline
Project-based learning combines ideas and skills from different disciplines. Content is not taught in isolation; students engage in robust experiences that help them explore how a variety of disciplines work together, similar to how “learning” happens in the real world.
Project-based learning is an opportunity for students to critique and revise their approach when they encounter obstacles. As they continue to actively explore a real-world problem, they acquire a deeper knowledge that requires further inquiry — they have to keep going.
Relationships formed during collaboration is a huge part of PBL. Not only do students learn how to work better in groups—providing their own input, listening to others, and resolving conflicts when they arise—they build positive relationships with teachers, which reinforces how great learning is. Students also form relationships with community members when working on projects, gaining insight for careers and beyond.
Students take ownership over their projects, reflecting on and celebrating their progress and accomplishments.
Problem solving
Students learn how to solve problems that are important to them, including real community issues, more effectively—even learning from failure and possibly starting over.
Project management
Students learn how to manage projects and assignments more efficiently with the help of the teachers of the cbse board school in Howrah.
How does it help?
Learners realise the essence of studying
Learners often have questions like ‘Why am I learning this? How does it help me?’ while studying theory. But when they are involved in a project, they themselves realize how crucial it is to learn a particular topic. For example, while studying History, a child may have a question about why is he learning about Ashoka? However, when he practically does a project on how Ashoka Dharma principles are relevant today to encompass peace in the world; the approach to the subject changes completely. Thus, Project Based Learning doesn’t just add a dose of relevance to the subject but it grabs the attention of the learners from the beginning.
Inquiry-based learning
Children begin to make sense of the world by questioning. Humans carry on the process of inquiry from the time they are born until they die. Through the process of inquiry, people construct much of their understanding. It may not always be seeking the right answer — because often there is none — but rather seeking appropriate resolutions to questions and issues. For instance; a Business Study project might require the learners to study why a particular leading mobile company suddenly lost the selling market. Such projects not only help in developing communication skills but also help them to understand how sometimes failures could act as a stepping stone for success.
Hence, through this web blog, you have learned the benefits of project based learning. Hope this web blog helps you all in clearing your doubts. All in all, project based learning taught by the best school in Howrah inspires learners to develop a balanced approach in solving real-world problems, both on their own and in a team. Project-based learning prepares students for success in the real world like no other teaching style can.