Years ago, people thought that the sun revolved around the Earth. Galileo and then Copernicus found that the event was just the opposite. Earth along with the other planets revolves around the sun. Have you ever wondered why people thought so? The challenge against this simplified thought is Einstein’s first theory of relativity. Let us know the basics of the idea of relativity, and also know about CBSE school in Howrah.
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What is the theory of relativity?
Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity is actually two separate theories – the special theory of relativity and the theory of general relativity. The special theory of relativity was based on two main postulates – first, that the speed of light is constant for all observers, and second that observers moving at constant speed should be subject to the same physical laws. Following this logic Einstein theorized that time must change according to the speed of the moving object relative to the frame of reference of an observer. According to the theory of general relativity, matter causes space to curve. It is posited that gravitation is not a force, as understood by Newtonian physics, but a curved field in space-time is created by mass. According to Einstein, that theory could be tested by measuring the deflection of starlight traveling near the sun; he correctly asserted that light deflection would be twice that expected by Newton’s laws. This theory also explained why the light from stars in a strong gravitational field was closer to the red end of the spectrum than those in a weaker one.
For the final thirty years of his life, Einstein attempted to find a unified field theory, in which the properties of all matter and energy could be expressed in a single equation. His search was confounded by quantum theory’s uncertainty principle, which stated that the movement of a single particle could never be accurately measured because speed and position could not be simultaneously assessed with any degree of assurance. Although he was unable to find the comprehensive theory that he sought, Einstein’s pioneering work has allowed countless other scientists to carry on the quest for what some have called “the holy grail of physicists.”
Easy examples of the theory of relativity
- Suppose you and your friend are sitting inside a bus with other children
- Now your other friend is watching you from outside
- The bus started moving and you said to your friend that the bus is moving
- But your friend is sitting beside you and you see that she is not moving
Both of you are right. Do you know? Focus again.
What is special relative theory?
The law of physics is the same for both velocities. The speed of light is always constant regardless of the motion of the light source or the motion of the observer.
Length Shrinking
Objects appear shorter in the direction they are moving concerning the observer.
Relativity of Simultaneity
Two actions, simultaneous for one person, may not be simultaneous for another person in relative motion.
Scientists have observed over the years that the object’s mass increases with the velocity but never knew how to calculate it. This theory offered the solution to their problem that explains that the increased relativistic weight of the object is equal to the kinetic energy divided by the square of the speed of light. Thus, the study of relativity led to the invention of a grand theory, E=mc², where E is energy, m is mass, and c defines the velocity of light.
What is the general theory of relativity?
Around 1907 Einstien developed the general theory of relativity. An observer sees the ball fall similarly on the rocket and earth.
Some regular phenomenons connected to the theory of relativity
Your school (cbse board school in howrah) does not teach you physics to bore you. If you focus a little, you will want to learn more. you focus a little, you will see how everything abides by the physics’ rules. Our daily life events are deeply intertwined with the laws of physics. Let us find some of them:
GPS: Sometimes GPS might take your route to the rivers, but, trust me, they also abide by the physics rule. GPS wants to know your “current location” whenever you plan to find a path. It is because satellites that are the backbones of the GPS whoosh around the Earth at a pretty healthy speed. Though 10,000 kilometers/hour seems fast for you, this is nothing compared to the speed of light. Satellites get older by 4 microseconds every day because they experience time dilation. After a day, your location can be up to 8 kilometers away from your actual site. As the satellites are programmed to consider these effects, these discrepancies do not happen.
Hope you like reading this blog and found it really informative. The deeper you go, the more you realize that this Earth is about the theory of relativity. Einstein paved a long path for scientists to come in the future. If they work on the theory more, the mystery of this universe will soon be revealed.