In the modern world, technology has taken place and traditional classrooms also revolutionised itself. The education landscape is changing so fast, that no one could even imagine. Schools are becoming more advanced these days. Are you from Kolkata Howrah and looking for the reputed school for your child? Then, most probably you are at the right place. Through this web blog, you will get to know about one such CBSE school in Howrah and also how technology is revolutionising traditional classrooms.
Teachers of any school should know that student’s engagement is very necessary. So, what is the responsibility of the teachers? The main duty of school teachers is to enhance students engagement. The name of our school is Sudhir Memorial Institute Liluah. Our school is situated in Liluah and known for CBSE curriculum, modern infrastructure and well-known facilities.
Use classroom technology to provide instant information
Our Howrah best CBSE school uses classroom technology to provide instant information. The biggest use of technology in the classroom is that it provides extensive resource of study materials. With the digital tools like academic journal, project management platforms and study apps, students can explore various subjects.
Enhancing students engagement
Our school specialises in enhancing students engagement through interactive whiteboards, chalkboards and textbooks. Tools such as Kahoot and Quizizz allow teachers of our school to create fun.
Personalised learning experiences
Every student learns at their own pace, and technology makes it easier to cater to individual needs. Platforms like Khan Academy and adaptive learning software analyze student progress and tailor lessons accordingly. This approach empowers students to take control of their learning journey, addressing gaps and advancing at their own speed.
Get the right insights from students comment with AI
We love to get feedback from our students and their parents. While ratings can offer valuable data, delving deeper into student comments captures the full spectrum of their perspectives, emotions, and suggestions. The issue for many administrators is that sifting through large volumes of unstructured feedback data takes lots of time and focus—both of which may be in short supply.
Connect classroom learning to real world
We as the top CBSE school in Howrah tries to connect classroom learning to real world. Virtual guest speaker sessions allows students to engage with expert teachers in different fields. This bridge between theory and practice makes students more engaged because the learning experience is more relevant and impactful.
Collaboration beyond borders
Just like other schools, we are also using technology in the fullest form. During the corona period, we had organised online classes. Tools like Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft teams facilitate virtual classrooms, group projects and discussions from different cultures.
Teach responsible digital citizenship
The teachers of our CBSE school in Howrah teaches students how to become responsible citizen and how to incorporate technology in the classroom. Students need to understand the importance of ethical behavior, data privacy, and cybersecurity while interacting on social media and other platforms. This includes recognizing phishing emails, adhering to campus digital privacy regulations, and using public computers and equipment responsibly.
Make the learning experience fun for students
The teachers of Sudhir Memorial Institute Liluah tries to make the learning experience fun for students. Students interact with different technology outside the classroom daily. It makes their learning environment more dynamic and enjoyable.
Our school furthers introduces coding through educational platforms. We offer games-based tutorials so that students could learn faster.
Is technology making a difference in your classroom?
This is also a question asked by most of the parents. The answer is – yes, technology is making a difference for both the students and teachers. More tech is a gateway to more informed, data-driven decision-making for both students and teachers. From providing meaningful feedback and implementing positive changes to searching for credible information and critically evaluating sources, you play a pivotal role in preparing them for graduation and, down the road, the modern workplace.
Hope, you kike reading this blog and found it beneficial. Join the Howrah best CBSE school and get numerous of advantages. You get to know about several tools students need for a successful future. Hence, enroll your child’s name today.