Sep 3, 2020
5 techniques to reduce the stress of children
Our child faces several stressful situations in daily life. We might not notice such a situation but in real life, it does exist and gives numerous pressure on our children. Daily School, Class Work, Home Work, private tutoring, Coaching, and Other curriculum activities like Swimming, Karate, gymnas [...]
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Sep 2, 2020
Importance of letter knowledge for child
Letter knowledge is a recognition of letter names and letter sounds. It is a capacity to understand the meaning of a particular word. The knowledge of the letter generates understanding and imagines the words. Hence, it is very important to provide letter knowledge to the child from their schooling [...]
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Sep 1, 2020
Step to improve child memory during school age
During the school age, the child’s memory starts improving due to various factors. The prime reason behind the development of the child’s brain is because they observe, organize, adapt, and restructure the proper scenario. The proper growth of the child’s memory is completely based [...]
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Aug 31, 2020
Teaching Word Families
During the growing period, the child learns various things that could catch their brain instantly. The reason behind the catching power is because their child’s brain keeps active during that period. Hence, it is the golden opportunity when you can give your child something to learn for the be [...]
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Aug 25, 2020
How to manage classroom discipline problems
We understand the valuation of education and it is mostly required in good condition. Like good academics, infrastructure, school, faculty, and many more. We usually judge schools with such methods. However, it is important to carry the discipline method with proper schooling. A school is incomplete [...]
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Aug 24, 2020
A brief knowledge and benefits of school transport
School transport is a system of communicating with the students, teachers, and other staff from Home to school. It is the most significant part of the management process that connects to the school members. It has several benefits and plays an important role in school management. There are various s [...]
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Aug 22, 2020
How technology is advantages in the education
Technology is an art, skills, cunning of hand, and innovation of mindset. Nowadays the world is based on the process of technology. Company, education, hospital, and many other sectors are developing with technical methods. It helps in making people ease to access, better relaxation, thoughts, and p [...]
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Aug 21, 2020
Appropriate discussion about drugs to your child
It is the responsibility of the parent to provide guidelines, knowledge, information at the right time, and the right age. Our child implements such knowledge and information in our society to become an ideal person. In this blog, we will present an appropriate discussion about drugs to your child. [...]
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Aug 20, 2020
The best effects of color on children brain
Color is an emotion that connects with different minds and functions. It also contains various energy with its light on objects. There are various effects of colors on the human body and mind. The perfect color will develop brain function, creativity, productivity, and learning. In research, we wi [...]
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Aug 19, 2020
The power and benefits of daily meditation
We might be wonder about the real definition and power of meditation. We are also surprised to see its result comes from. Hence, we need to deeply understand the real purpose of meditation and the benefits of meditation in our life. Meditation is a continuous thought of an object. It is a process th [...]
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