

CBSE school in Howrah

High School Laboratory, English medium school in howrah
CBSE school in Howrah, Laboratory section provides some safety information about our School Lab.

Our prime focus on laboratory infrastructure to each student should be one of the focus areas for every school and Institute. Laboratory plays a vital role in analyzing science education and it is imperative for all top CBSE schools in Howrah to have quality lab infrastructure and equipment.

Sudhir Memorial Institute Liluah” provides important protection measures, safety glasses, so that one should always wear safety goggles, specifically when dealing with chemistry or biology laboratory.

One of the significant reasons of student’s admission in CBSE School in Howrah consists that cbse schools and laboratory have a safety glasses policy in order to avoid accidents which implies students and employees to wear safety goggles, whenever they enter into a Physics, chemistry or biology lab, in order to protect the Eyes of our body.
CBSE school in Howrah

Top CBSE School in Howrah, Lab Safety Instruction: 

Experiments should be performed under the guidance of a trained Lab Assistant / teacher to ensure the lab safety regulations in the high school.

Never touch any Chemical with your hand. Use Labs Equipment like Spoon or tweezers etc.

Students should not smell any chemical material. It can damage your Nose, Eyes or other parts of the Body.

Students should not be near any electrical equipment in the middle of practical.

Always be under the guidance of Lab Assistant / Teachers. Do not touch or pick any equipment which can damage your Body.

Sudhir Memorial Institute Liluah” takes these measure actions very cautiously in order to avoid any damages. Our Lab assistant and Teachers always provide guidance to each and every student and give them the best training before commence of an experiment.

This safety, measurement and policy lead our parents concern about CBSE school admission in Howrah.

Physics Laboratory:

CBSE school in Howrah

The lab is fully equipped with state-of-the-art and research facilities in the areas of Polarization Optics, Statistical Optics, Optical Imaging, Adaptive Optics, Singular Optics, Ultra fast Optics and Interferometer. Our laboratory provides excellent opportunity to students in terms of Research.

Salient Features of Lab: 

Spacious and well ventilated

Working condition for 40 students at a time

Well equipped with all needed apparatus

Designed as per latest CBSE curriculum.

Chemistry Laboratory:

Chemistry laboratory is established to undertake teaching in the higher level of experiment where strong foundations are laid facilitating the design and development of equipped materials and processes to meet future technological and global challenges. Our laboratory provides excellent opportunity and global research for our Aspirants that make us Top school in Howrah.

Salient Features of Lab:

Advanced Material.

Facilities to conduct advanced Research.

Working condition for 40 students at a time

Designed as per latest CBSE curriculum.

Biology Laboratory:

CBSE school in Howrah

Biology laboratory is one of the broad subjects that has many sub category that range from healthy organism to cellular process. Selecting Lab equipment is highly concerned as to search highly specialized technologies is mandatory. Few safeties rules a biology lab always follow is a lab must be clean, well prepared, equipment attention and clothing for safety measurement from accident prone.

Salient Features of Lab:

Separate chambers for reagents and equipment

Neat and tidy environment for working of 40 students at a time

Sinks and water taps at apt places within the reach of every student.

Designed as per latest CBSE  curriculum.

Computer Laboratory:

CBSE school in Howrah

Our Institutes and faculty members takes a huge responsibility to make student aware about usability of computer in future. Necessary of Computer laboratory for higher level of studies and research are available for Students and this advanced technique helps best cbse school SMIL in making students advanced in Computer.

Salient Features of Lab:

Separate computer sections for each individual.

Well advanced and high technology computer.

Practical environment for working of 40 students at a time

Designed as per latest CBSE curriculum.

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