A guideline on how to deal with bullying

A guideline on how to deal with bullying

Bullying is the most inappropriate activity that can be performed to provide mental stress to the child at certain terms. Bullying can take place by friends and school mates at a certain level. Like cracking jokes, hide and seek, teasing and gossiping etc. But when it’s in a mutual and friendly way this looks safe… Continue reading A guideline on how to deal with bullying

Steps to focus on child during the pandemic situation

COVID-19 has made a huge crisis in our human world. The entire world is in the pandemic situation due to coronavirus. Everything is locked and students are feeling a crisis for these dramatic changes. The teachers of best cbse school howrah recommend opting for supporting students during this crisis by different phenomenal activities.  As the… Continue reading Steps to focus on child during the pandemic situation

Steps to improve reading skills

We have seen several issues regarding children who struggling during reading passage or comprehension. Some children unable to decode the letters properly and some who read and express the reading properly but unable to figure out the meaning of the word. Therefore, reading proper vocabulary, understanding the meaning,  grammatical development, and proper oral expression is… Continue reading Steps to improve reading skills

Best tips to avoid sleep while studying

Sleep is the biggest barrier when you have to study for long hours at night. This problem also occurs during exams and preparation which leads to effects on the result. Therefore, when you start to study then initiate it with a fresh morning. Morning Study always provides you with energetic vibes and it also exists… Continue reading Best tips to avoid sleep while studying

How to increase your child’s concentration power

Concentration is an important factor that determines the success of a person in any field. The great focus is the ultimate pillar of success. Such focus comes from the resource of the brain. It is the power of the brain that increase the concentration level of a human. Being parents and teachers, it is the… Continue reading How to increase your child’s concentration power

Guide to get good protocol in your child

Most children act aggressively and weirdly not knowing the fact either it’s good or not. All thou it is the responsibility of parents to provide them good protocol or behavior among children to begin. There are several ways to guide and get good behavior by setting various activities, knowledge, an example of your own as… Continue reading Guide to get good protocol in your child

Function of personality development for Children

Education and personality development both are important segments in a student’s life. Both have equal rights and also have their own importance in growing student minds, brains, and development.  Every child has its own specialty and has a unique personality. Its the responsibility of both parents, and teachers to influence and approach your child’s personality… Continue reading Function of personality development for Children

Children Bad habits and remedies to solve with them

Almost all children have at least one bad habits that annoying their parents. Such habits like head rolling, thumb or finger sucking, nail-biting, breath-holding, teeth grinding, nose picking, hair twirling, hair pulling, and headbanging are so common among young children that we tend to ignore these mostly. We can find various children bad habits and… Continue reading Children Bad habits and remedies to solve with them

Best Summer Vacation Activities For Children

Summer vacations are the happiest time for each and every student belongs to School. Every year students waiting for the long glorious days to arrive. The most interesting fact students are waiting in summer is to start vacations. It is the happiest time in the life of a student for playing, chanting, roaming, visiting new… Continue reading Best Summer Vacation Activities For Children

Understand the Teenage Brain and Effect of Decoding

Teenage periods can be a challenging time for both adolescents and adults (parents, teachers) in their lives. The act of teenagers is very typical at the time of adolescents. Their behavior, getting interaction with elders, impulsive method of risk-taking nature, addiction are quite awkward to accept socially. Sometime Teenagers themselves do not be able to… Continue reading Understand the Teenage Brain and Effect of Decoding

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