How to get involved with your child education

How to get involved with your child education

Do you wonder what your kids do all day around the school? What do your kids learn in school? Being parents, it is quite obvious to run such a question in your mind. But, at the same time, it is almost tough to get an answer from your child. The problem behind not getting a… Continue reading How to get involved with your child education

Help your child to become the best reader

Reading skill is one of the most segments in educational life. It also helps them to reach an understanding of words and knowledge. The reading skill will also help you in improving vocabulary knowledge. In such practices, your child can implement such words in the right place while speaking. Many parents often worried about how… Continue reading Help your child to become the best reader

Symptom your child struggling at school

Being a parents, it is always important to notice the body language of your child. It is your responsibility to make happy to your child. Therefore, notice if your child is worried about something or the grade of your child is getting low. These are the basic symptom your child struggling at school. There might… Continue reading Symptom your child struggling at school

Various outcomes of non-fiction books

There are so many things to know for your child apart from education. You will probably receive such things from non-fiction books. Therefore, try to provide non-fiction books to your child during free time. Non-fiction is completely based on factual and reports on true events. Histories, biographies, journalism, and essays are all considered under non-fiction.… Continue reading Various outcomes of non-fiction books

Method to improve English fluency

When you going to start the educational journey of your child, you need to focus on their reading fluency. The reading fluency provides the depth knowledge of education with the proper definition. Sometimes the children failed to develop English fluency due to various reasons. Suppose they have had limited reading practice,  less vocabulary knowledge, etc.… Continue reading Method to improve English fluency

How to keep your child engaged during summer

Summer vacation is one of the most favorite time zones for children. They waited a year for these glorious moments to come. There are several cbse school in howrah district that assign the various tasks for students. The prime reason behind the task is to keep your child busy at home. The children will not… Continue reading How to keep your child engaged during summer

Maintaining sanity while raising your child

Being parents, It is your biggest challenge to raise your child during the school year. We have several busy schedules that strike us from maintaining sanity for our child. Therefore, we need to be flexible and responsible with our schedule and duties. You need to more calm and steady while raising your child. There are… Continue reading Maintaining sanity while raising your child

Step to improve child reading strategies

A proper way of reading defines the skill of a student. Also, we can say it is an introductory method of showing your talent and intelligence to others. Most of the kids are facing problem in reading books. It is quite obvious at the initial stage of education. Therefore, it is the responsibility of parents… Continue reading Step to improve child reading strategies

The impact and remedies of COVID-19 on students

COVID-19 has put some major impact in the world that everyone is aware of its facts. All the Schools. Colleges and offices of the city are shut down due to its effects. Government are taking major initiative actions on a daily basis to control and defeat the COVID-19. Like lockdown, proper sanitization, clean hygienic process,… Continue reading The impact and remedies of COVID-19 on students

How to complete school work and assignments

The process to complete school work and assignments is part of school life. Every student takes it as a responsibility to complete the work of school and assignments on a daily basis. It is the responsibility of both teachers and parents to look over the matters of classwork, homework, or any assignment. There are several… Continue reading How to complete school work and assignments

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