Advantages of Mixed Schooling System

Advantages of Mixed Schooling System

Being a parent, it becomes a great responsibility to choose the right school for their child. Hence, they start to Google and take the help of local parents and colonies for better suggestions. These processes might take a long time to solve their problem.  Also, this method of searching would not be sufficient unless they… Continue reading Advantages of Mixed Schooling System

Steps to build self-esteem for the child benefits

Self-esteem is a process of building confidence levels. It is a method of making things innovative to influence your career and growth. Therefore, it is really necessary inside the child for proper education and growth. Also, it is the responsibility of parents to influence them in building the self-esteem inside them. If a child will… Continue reading Steps to build self-esteem for the child benefits

Habits to make student successful in the future

Every student has the dream and desire to become a successful student in their education journey. They want to score good marks to become top in the classroom. Some of the students live this dream and some of them failed to achieve this dream. What are the differences between the two?  The answer would be… Continue reading Habits to make student successful in the future

Importance and Benefits of debate in child education

Debating is an activity that improves the skill level of a student at various platforms. It also teaches useful skills for other academic pursuits that we can generally implement in our life. Most importantly, The skills of debaters will help to build confidence in speaking in public and expressing their ideas eloquently. Therefore, such a… Continue reading Importance and Benefits of debate in child education

The process to get interact in new school

New Schools is always having a thrilling experience. Students get curious to join the new school but also worried about new people and new minds. Sometimes, It is quite difficult to adjust in a new school after admission. Some of the best school in howrah provide best advice before joining the new school. Like, Don’t… Continue reading The process to get interact in new school

How to complete school work and assignments

The process to complete school work and assignments is part of school life. Every student takes it as a responsibility to complete the work of school and assignments on a daily basis. It is the responsibility of both teachers and parents to look over the matters of classwork, homework, or any assignment. There are several… Continue reading How to complete school work and assignments

Best ways to spend time at home for students during the lockdown

Like most schools, college and institute students are stuck at home due to the COVID-19 situation. Students are spending a lot of hours at home finding an excess of time in their hands. It is quite difficult to regulate the timing without any study and preparation. Sometimes students are getting depressed while stuck at home. … Continue reading Best ways to spend time at home for students during the lockdown

Best tips to avoid sleep while studying

Sleep is the biggest barrier when you have to study for long hours at night. This problem also occurs during exams and preparation which leads to effects on the result. Therefore, when you start to study then initiate it with a fresh morning. Morning Study always provides you with energetic vibes and it also exists… Continue reading Best tips to avoid sleep while studying

How to increase your child’s concentration power

Concentration is an important factor that determines the success of a person in any field. The great focus is the ultimate pillar of success. Such focus comes from the resource of the brain. It is the power of the brain that increase the concentration level of a human. Being parents and teachers, it is the… Continue reading How to increase your child’s concentration power

How innovation and digitization is changing the cycle of education

The world is connecting with the innovation, digitization, and technology. The reason behind the connection is to upgrade the systems of education, work, and other necessary things. The students, parents, educators, and lawmakers are slowly getting habituate with the technology that could shift towards a tech-savvy and increasingly develop tomorrow. Therefore, we can find several… Continue reading How innovation and digitization is changing the cycle of education

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