Children Bad habits and remedies to solve with them

Children Bad habits and remedies to solve with them

Almost all children have at least one bad habits that annoying their parents. Such habits like head rolling, thumb or finger sucking, nail-biting, breath-holding, teeth grinding, nose picking, hair twirling, hair pulling, and headbanging are so common among young children that we tend to ignore these mostly. We can find various children bad habits and… Continue reading Children Bad habits and remedies to solve with them

Step of memorization techniques for students

We all are similar to attending classes, making notes and study. However, making notes is not just the ultimate goal of it. We need to get involved with our learning techniques as well. Therefore, Memorizing techniques for students is mandatory in every exam. The english medium school in howrah always notes the state of mind… Continue reading Step of memorization techniques for students

Step to set goal and achieve them

It is good to see a dream that you admire. But It is also your responsibility to work and complete your dream. Few things are important in life before setting your goal and achieving it. Just like a badminton player experience a “Warm-up” before a real game, so too does complete any goal produce a… Continue reading Step to set goal and achieve them

Effects and Remedies of Choosing the Wrong Stream

Education is a beautiful and most important journey for student life. It brings a lot of changes in the body language of students and provides a great impact on their minds. Our educational journey starts from Pre-School to Toddlers followed by Primary school to High-school and at the end Graduation to Post-graduation. Also, some of… Continue reading Effects and Remedies of Choosing the Wrong Stream

Power of Mental Health in Education

Education is the most valuable and experimental learning. Our journey of education starts from Pre-School to Toddlers, Matriculation, Intermediate and finally comes to end in Graduation and Post-graduation. We learn different things at a different level that gives us a true lesson of Education. This implies to the empowerment in many ways. Education has the… Continue reading Power of Mental Health in Education

How to balance between study & life?

The life of the student is just not easy. It is very tough to maintain as students surround between various classes, coaching, tuition followed by home-work, assignment, and presentation. In between all these, they get confuse how to balance between study and life.  As a student you know that class-work is going to require a… Continue reading How to balance between study & life?

Steps To Keep Your Child Safe On The Internet

Children are the most precious gift for us. It is the primary duty of parents to keep them safe from every instance. In order to keep them safe provide knowledge about every subject, they saw interesting. Make aware of good and bad is not only the responsibilities of parents but also schools play a significant… Continue reading Steps To Keep Your Child Safe On The Internet

Best fancy dress competition ideas in English Medium School

There are several events organized in school that encourage child to take participate. One of the biggest events that exist for child is Fancy Dress Competition events. Fancy dress competition is one of the happiest moment in child life. They love to wear new dresses and experiment on them. They love to costume in the… Continue reading Best fancy dress competition ideas in English Medium School

Five Social Disadvantages That Depress Student Performance

That students’ social and economic characteristics shape their cognitive and behavioral outcomes is well established, yet policymakers typically resist accepting that non-school disadvantages necessarily depress outcomes. Rather, they look to better schools and teachers to close achievement gaps and consistently come up short. In short, schools alone can’t close achievement gaps. Authorities at Sudhir Memorial… Continue reading Five Social Disadvantages That Depress Student Performance

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