Why Arts Education is Important for us?

Why Arts Education is Important for us?

Arts is the most cultural subjects that express the skills of a human being. It makes us aware of their existence in everywhere. Arts education does have thousands of career opportunities. We understand that education plays a significant role in someone’s development but it is important to implement the right education. Years of research show… Continue reading Why Arts Education is Important for us?

Developing the habit of reading newspaper daily

Reading newspaper is a source of increasing knowledge in History/Politics/World news/Economics/Sports etc. It also increase your reading knowledge and capacity of speed. Reading newspaper can open the mind of a person. The students get the basic idea in understanding news and that also helps in debate and speech for a student. The best english medium… Continue reading Developing the habit of reading newspaper daily

Step to Make School Fun For Kids

Every parent has a desire to provide the best education under the best school. Then the particular age arrives where your kids will need to start school. It is important for the kids to enjoy toddlers to pre-school and pre-school to high school. So that they can enjoy their education, learn effectively and consequently perform… Continue reading Step to Make School Fun For Kids

Step of memorization techniques for students

We all are similar to attending classes, making notes and study. However, making notes is not just the ultimate goal of it. We need to get involved with our learning techniques as well. Therefore, Memorizing techniques for students is mandatory in every exam. The english medium school in howrah always notes the state of mind… Continue reading Step of memorization techniques for students

Steps that give priority to your school work

Education is not enough until you finish it with proper knowledge. The measurement of success depends on the quality of education you get from school. Therefore, It is the responsibility of some howrah cbse school to take initiative actions against the priorities of School Work. Let your children understand the priorities of their school work.… Continue reading Steps that give priority to your school work

Step to set goal and achieve them

It is good to see a dream that you admire. But It is also your responsibility to work and complete your dream. Few things are important in life before setting your goal and achieving it. Just like a badminton player experience a “Warm-up” before a real game, so too does complete any goal produce a… Continue reading Step to set goal and achieve them

Effects and Remedies of Choosing the Wrong Stream

Education is a beautiful and most important journey for student life. It brings a lot of changes in the body language of students and provides a great impact on their minds. Our educational journey starts from Pre-School to Toddlers followed by Primary school to High-school and at the end Graduation to Post-graduation. Also, some of… Continue reading Effects and Remedies of Choosing the Wrong Stream

Power of Mental Health in Education

Education is the most valuable and experimental learning. Our journey of education starts from Pre-School to Toddlers, Matriculation, Intermediate and finally comes to end in Graduation and Post-graduation. We learn different things at a different level that gives us a true lesson of Education. This implies to the empowerment in many ways. Education has the… Continue reading Power of Mental Health in Education

How to balance between study & life?

The life of the student is just not easy. It is very tough to maintain as students surround between various classes, coaching, tuition followed by home-work, assignment, and presentation. In between all these, they get confuse how to balance between study and life.  As a student you know that class-work is going to require a… Continue reading How to balance between study & life?

Benefit of Cursive Handwriting

We all know the importance of cursive writing in school, college or at work right? If you somehow manage to find a pen and paper to write down something by hand, what would you prefer – writing in regular handwriting or in cursive handwriting? In both, cases regular handwriting is easy to write but looks… Continue reading Benefit of Cursive Handwriting

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