Covid-19 | The new nightmare of the town

Covid-19 | The new nightmare of the town

Covid-19 is properly known as Coronavirus. The World health organization (WHO) describes the COVID-19 as “CO-Corona”  “VI-Virus” “D-Disease” and “19- Year 2019”. The virus is first surfaced in Wuhan, China and later this dangerous monster spread all across the universe. The virus has following family extensive to cause as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and… Continue reading Covid-19 | The new nightmare of the town

Importance of Wellness Programs

It is a dynamic process of getting change and implies growth among students. Those who attend arts, music, drama, voice and visual arts bring some important messages in society. There are several educational boards are stepping up to bring these changes. The cbse schools are also taking initiative action by spreading wellness programs into physical… Continue reading Importance of Wellness Programs

Steps to Protect Environment by CBSE School Howrah

Aiming towards a green future is a dream for all of us. Nowadays the experience comes with the recent environment are absolutely different compared to 20 years back. As a result, it affects a green environment that impacts to global warming system. In recent news, Delhi becomes the most polluted city in the world. It… Continue reading Steps to Protect Environment by CBSE School Howrah

Tips to help your Child to Choose the Right Career

The growth and development of our child in future depend a lot on what we build today and that includes the development of students and best guidance by parents social responsibilities for career, Also Choosing a right career is not only a role of Parents but a school also plays a vital role as well.… Continue reading Tips to help your Child to Choose the Right Career

Importance of Cleanliness and Hygiene for leading a Healthy Life

Any habits, learned in the childhood from top school in howrah, stays implanted in the mind. Cleanliness is one of them. It is not a work that needs to be done forcefully. Being clean and tidy is a good habit to lead a healthy life. Certain habits like washing hands before meals, bathing, brushing teeth… Continue reading Importance of Cleanliness and Hygiene for leading a Healthy Life

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