Step to set goal and achieve them

Step to set goal and achieve them

It is good to see a dream that you admire. But It is also your responsibility to work and complete your dream. Few things are important in life before setting your goal and achieving it. Just like a badminton player experience a “Warm-up” before a real game, so too does complete any goal produce a… Continue reading Step to set goal and achieve them

Effects and Remedies of Choosing the Wrong Stream

Education is a beautiful and most important journey for student life. It brings a lot of changes in the body language of students and provides a great impact on their minds. Our educational journey starts from Pre-School to Toddlers followed by Primary school to High-school and at the end Graduation to Post-graduation. Also, some of… Continue reading Effects and Remedies of Choosing the Wrong Stream

How to balance between study & life?

The life of the student is just not easy. It is very tough to maintain as students surround between various classes, coaching, tuition followed by home-work, assignment, and presentation. In between all these, they get confuse how to balance between study and life.  As a student you know that class-work is going to require a… Continue reading How to balance between study & life?

Give respect to the teacher in school

The importance of teachers can be well defined when a teacher built a student career. It deserves all-time massive respect all over the world. Therefore, it is the duty and responsibility of students to give respects to the teacher even after completion of education. Respect for teachers cannot be underestimated. Respect of teachers is an… Continue reading Give respect to the teacher in school

Why Department of Education Makes Education Civil Right?

Education is key to a successful and happier future for every child. Education prevents us from discriminate between rich and poor, fat and thin, black and white people. It is the story of almost all children suffering from diseases like mental trauma in childhood period. These leads to generate many children stop education in fear… Continue reading Why Department of Education Makes Education Civil Right?

How to select best school for your child?

Parents always approach increasing the standard of education for their children. It is a prime requirement of every parent. The requirement is based on the limitation of their child and their skills. Unnecessary providing tough school could be a burden over your child due to their requirement and incapacity. There are several best school in… Continue reading How to select best school for your child?

Choosing Public or Private School in Howrah

Education is the most valuable aspect in terms of every parent and their child. Education become vast compares to earlier days. Therefore, it is the duty of parents to decide whether their children will receive a public or private education in howrah. This is the prime section to consider for every best cbse school in… Continue reading Choosing Public or Private School in Howrah

Importance of Global Education in Indian Educational System

Global education has various concepts that bring changes in the educational system of India. It also approaches students to make differences in the society of India. Global education in India comes under various dimension, outlooks, and citizenship into everyday lives. Although, it has various aims in its surrounds. The ultimate aim of global education is… Continue reading Importance of Global Education in Indian Educational System

All-Round Education and its Benefits

We all are aware of the importance of education in our life. Proper education is important in different ways. Most of the best school in howrah provide quality learning all through the schooling career. Such an educational institute provides education in the process of achieving knowledge, values, skills, beliefs and moral habits. Apart from it,… Continue reading All-Round Education and its Benefits

Tips To Get Your Child To Love Reading Books

Are you aware that there is a crisis in the educational arena today? That the children who are witnessed to live in the greatest digitalized country in the entire world are at the ending of the brightest education. Hence, children are not taking books seriously neither they focus on any books reading! In fact, the… Continue reading Tips To Get Your Child To Love Reading Books

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