CBSE board exam 2020 major changes for class 10th-12th students

CBSE board exam 2020 major changes for class 10th-12th students

This is to announce the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has done big changes in educational systems of Class 10th& 12thquestion papers. A school in howrah is ready to accept the new challenge. According to a statement, the board has decided to reduce the number of descriptive questions in the Class 10 board exam. Students appearing… Continue reading CBSE board exam 2020 major changes for class 10th-12th students

Ten Tips for Improving Teachers & Student Relations

Teacher and student relationship is the most respectful and powerful relationship in our life.  After our parents, teacher plays an essential and efficient role in our lives. So, it’s very important for the teachers to cope up with their students and play an important role by teaching them the laws of universe, to make them… Continue reading Ten Tips for Improving Teachers & Student Relations

6 Useful Teaching Tips to Keep Your Students Engaged

Teaching is an art, and usually we find teachers resorting to the traditional method of classroom lectures; which can bore the students. Eventually the students resort to day dreaming, bird watching from the class, counting the minutes to the bell and so on. This is when you being a teacher, can use some effective methods,… Continue reading 6 Useful Teaching Tips to Keep Your Students Engaged

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