How to prevent your child facing bullying in the School

How to prevent your child facing bullying in the School

Every parent has the roles and responsibilities to protect our child from the unwanted situation they face. The parents always ready to face all the challenges, no matter what. However, it is also important to prepare your child for a tough situation to make them stronger. Otherwise, your child could be the victim of being… Continue reading How to prevent your child facing bullying in the School

Eight Steps to Find the List of Top 10 CBSE Schools in Howrah

list of top 10 cbse school in howrah School is one of the most significant places that provide the proper growth, and development, and improves the skills of the children. Hence, it is very important to have proper research of the school that has several qualities to build the child, provide the best education, Infrastructure,… Continue reading Eight Steps to Find the List of Top 10 CBSE Schools in Howrah

Step to find the best CBSE School for your Child Education

Choosing the right School for Children that providing the right education is quite challenging in Society.  It requires lots of research, knowledge, and information to get into the school that provides valid information to them. The best school always ensures to develop the top quality of education, knowledge, learning methods, academic performance, personality, and many… Continue reading Step to find the best CBSE School for your Child Education

Important tricks and tips to prepare for your upcoming board exam

Education has faced a huge challenge during the time of pandemic lockdown. Students face lots of difficulties in continuing their education in such stressful conditions. Method of learning, the pattern of education, syllabus coverage, doubt sessions are some of the biggest challenges for them. The exam pattern of the CBSE board is based on an… Continue reading Important tricks and tips to prepare for your upcoming board exam

5 Important things parents can do to keep their child safe on the Internet

Internet is one of the most informative things for all of us. Perhaps, it would be impossible to run without having the internet. The use of the internet is large with its good and bad phases. Excess of anything could be harmful to all of us. During the lockdown, the mode of education becomes online,… Continue reading 5 Important things parents can do to keep their child safe on the Internet

Important Announcement | CBSE Board Exam 2021 Released the Final Date

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the final date of the Class 10th and Class 12th exams. The date of the exam will begin on May 4th for both Class 10 and Class 12. Therefore, the aspirants who missed yesterday’s announcement will get here everything in detail. The CBSE has made the… Continue reading Important Announcement | CBSE Board Exam 2021 Released the Final Date

Set Proper Strategies for Preparing your TimeTable

Whether you are preparing for an exam or having a normal study, setting a proper schedule is very important for your best output. It is very important to implement some planning and strategies for your study. It helps in providing you with certain guidance on your goals and objective. Today, we will discuss how to… Continue reading Set Proper Strategies for Preparing your TimeTable

5 best extra curriculum activities for kids

We all are aware of the importance of school for our kids. The school provides proper education, knowledge, growth, development, skills, and many more. Therefore, it is very important to pick the best school in Howrah that has the ability to work hard and give success to your kids. Apart from knowledge and education, extra… Continue reading 5 best extra curriculum activities for kids

How to get prepare for the CBSE board 10th Exam

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is expected to announce the date sheet for the 2021 X board examination. The board exam is one of the most vital exams that decide the future of the students. The result of the board exam will also decide the stream of the student in the future. This… Continue reading How to get prepare for the CBSE board 10th Exam

How School Surround Plays a Great Role in developing Education

School is one of the most integral parts of our lives that plays an important role in developing education in several ways. It brings the foundation of knowledge that consequence to the child’s skills, growth, and development. It also accommodates your child with several opportunities that can serve them to imply in the future. Hence,… Continue reading How School Surround Plays a Great Role in developing Education

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