Function of personality development for Children

Function of personality development for Children

Education and personality development both are important segments in a student’s life. Both have equal rights and also have their own importance in growing student minds, brains, and development.  Every child has its own specialty and has a unique personality. Its the responsibility of both parents, and teachers to influence and approach your child’s personality… Continue reading Function of personality development for Children

Children Bad habits and remedies to solve with them

Almost all children have at least one bad habits that annoying their parents. Such habits like head rolling, thumb or finger sucking, nail-biting, breath-holding, teeth grinding, nose picking, hair twirling, hair pulling, and headbanging are so common among young children that we tend to ignore these mostly. We can find various children bad habits and… Continue reading Children Bad habits and remedies to solve with them

Why Hobbies are important in a child’s development

It’s quite interesting to observe your child behaviours like dancing and singing suddenly to a new song. Also, other collecting stamps, currency or playing, etc. If we observe these hobbies and work into it for the future benefit, these can turn into a successful zone. While these hobbies are as basic as it can get,… Continue reading Why Hobbies are important in a child’s development

Best Summer Vacation Activities For Children

Summer vacations are the happiest time for each and every student belongs to School. Every year students waiting for the long glorious days to arrive. The most interesting fact students are waiting in summer is to start vacations. It is the happiest time in the life of a student for playing, chanting, roaming, visiting new… Continue reading Best Summer Vacation Activities For Children

Understand the Teenage Brain and Effect of Decoding

Teenage periods can be a challenging time for both adolescents and adults (parents, teachers) in their lives. The act of teenagers is very typical at the time of adolescents. Their behavior, getting interaction with elders, impulsive method of risk-taking nature, addiction are quite awkward to accept socially. Sometime Teenagers themselves do not be able to… Continue reading Understand the Teenage Brain and Effect of Decoding

Why Arts Education is Important for us?

Arts is the most cultural subjects that express the skills of a human being. It makes us aware of their existence in everywhere. Arts education does have thousands of career opportunities. We understand that education plays a significant role in someone’s development but it is important to implement the right education. Years of research show… Continue reading Why Arts Education is Important for us?

Importance of Grammar in English Language

The written and the spoken word in the English Language has a major difference. When it’s come to the written you need to perfect in grammar for the best approach in everything. Even at the time of speaking the importance of grammar in the English language has to be perfectly applied. In comparison to both,… Continue reading Importance of Grammar in English Language

Why CBSE after 10th ?

It’s been a never-ending debate for the parents which Board is better and why? The board plays an important role in deciding the career of the students. Choosing subjects, techniques of learning methods, providing better facilities, expert teachers, sound environment and so many others decide the future of the students. There are plenty of benefits… Continue reading Why CBSE after 10th ?

Benefits of School Uniform

The school uniform is the symbol of discipline. It explains the status of the education system. But, somewhere in the middle of the school system, it becomes a debate for parents to choose. Some accept the level of Uniform is the presence of excellence and some deny the facts with different arguments. The dress code… Continue reading Benefits of School Uniform

Importance of doing homework for the students

There are various advantages to doing homework for students. Homework plays an important role in students’ life but not all of them enjoy doing homework on a daily basis. They prefer spending some free time with other activities like (Playing video games, watching TV, outdoor games, hobbies, etc.). It is also true that they find… Continue reading Importance of doing homework for the students

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