Guide to get good protocol in your child

Guide to get good protocol in your child

Most children act aggressively and weirdly not knowing the fact either it’s good or not. All thou it is the responsibility of parents to provide them good protocol or behavior among children to begin. There are several ways to guide and get good behavior by setting various activities, knowledge, an example of your own as… Continue reading Guide to get good protocol in your child

Use of Soft Skills that students need to develop

The life of the students is associated with various adventures. They required different skills, abilities, dedication, hard work and soft skills. Such skills are playing an important role in students life like in competitive exams, careers and in many more fields. These skills are also helpful in school, colleges, and professional careers.  There are different… Continue reading Use of Soft Skills that students need to develop

Function of personality development for Children

Education and personality development both are important segments in a student’s life. Both have equal rights and also have their own importance in growing student minds, brains, and development.  Every child has its own specialty and has a unique personality. Its the responsibility of both parents, and teachers to influence and approach your child’s personality… Continue reading Function of personality development for Children

Children Bad habits and remedies to solve with them

Almost all children have at least one bad habits that annoying their parents. Such habits like head rolling, thumb or finger sucking, nail-biting, breath-holding, teeth grinding, nose picking, hair twirling, hair pulling, and headbanging are so common among young children that we tend to ignore these mostly. We can find various children bad habits and… Continue reading Children Bad habits and remedies to solve with them

Why Hobbies are important in a child’s development

It’s quite interesting to observe your child behaviours like dancing and singing suddenly to a new song. Also, other collecting stamps, currency or playing, etc. If we observe these hobbies and work into it for the future benefit, these can turn into a successful zone. While these hobbies are as basic as it can get,… Continue reading Why Hobbies are important in a child’s development

Understand the Teenage Brain and Effect of Decoding

Teenage periods can be a challenging time for both adolescents and adults (parents, teachers) in their lives. The act of teenagers is very typical at the time of adolescents. Their behavior, getting interaction with elders, impulsive method of risk-taking nature, addiction are quite awkward to accept socially. Sometime Teenagers themselves do not be able to… Continue reading Understand the Teenage Brain and Effect of Decoding

Importance of quizzes in the School

In the generation of modern education, there are so many subjects to consolidate. Sometimes it is being very difficult to remember and learned effectively. Therefore, it the responsibility of the teachers to encourage them on learning. Some of the top cbse school in howrah providing the best teaching methodology to children for having a better… Continue reading Importance of quizzes in the School

Benefits of Reading Books

Reading is an important part of education. Reading helps to open the mind and spark the creativity of students. It helps in understanding the basic concepts widely and also reading increases the level of imagination. Initially, it becomes a new adventure for students. Reading is the best medicine that decreases the level of stress also… Continue reading Benefits of Reading Books

Importance of Group work during study

Group work is the most essential work to motivate students in their studies. Nowadays, it has become a common practice in every school to produce intelligent students through ensuring effective teamwork. Many teachers from the howrah best cbse school have argued that group work is really an effective technique in every academics. At an early… Continue reading Importance of Group work during study

Step to Make School Fun For Kids

Every parent has a desire to provide the best education under the best school. Then the particular age arrives where your kids will need to start school. It is important for the kids to enjoy toddlers to pre-school and pre-school to high school. So that they can enjoy their education, learn effectively and consequently perform… Continue reading Step to Make School Fun For Kids

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