Importance of Digital well Being and Parental Control Guide

Importance of Digital well Being and Parental Control Guide

It’s tough keeping kids safe online, especially in the age of smart phones. Even though it’s impossible to totally restrict the internet, it’s possible to manage it. The above article explains about the importance of digital well being and parental guide. Hope it’s informative.

Diwali Decoration Ideas That Could Excite Your Child

Every child gets excited after hearing about the Diwali festival. It is a festival of light and happiness. Just like the Diwali light, how beautiful it will be to see your child’s face brightened with a ray of happiness. Each and every kid eagerly waits for this festival every year. This time, schools are closed… Continue reading Diwali Decoration Ideas That Could Excite Your Child

Best Indoor Activities For Kids To Keep Them Busy

This article is all about the best indoor activity to keep the students busy. Hoping that this article would be really beneficial for you. Admissions are open for classes 1 to 8 in cbse school in Howrah district.

Strategies adopted by CBSE school for prevention and control of Dengue

In a country like India, there are so many people suffering from different kinds of diseases. Among all, one kind of disease is DENGUE. The global burden of dengue is evident for 3.9 billion people at risk, 20,000 deaths, and 500,000 hospitalizations annually. Children have inherent inquisitiveness and eagerness to learn new things. Thus, they… Continue reading Strategies adopted by CBSE school for prevention and control of Dengue

7 Tips to Stay Healthy this Monsoon in The School

Monsoon has arrived. There is joy and happiness in children’s minds that they can play with water and in rain. But it’s not healthy for them, as the rainwater is very unhealthy and causes so many harmful diseases such as Jaundice, Malaria, Typhoid, dengue etc. Just like homes, schools also play a significant role in… Continue reading 7 Tips to Stay Healthy this Monsoon in The School

5 Important things parents can do to keep their child safe on the Internet

Internet is one of the most informative things for all of us. Perhaps, it would be impossible to run without having the internet. The use of the internet is large with its good and bad phases. Excess of anything could be harmful to all of us. During the lockdown, the mode of education becomes online,… Continue reading 5 Important things parents can do to keep their child safe on the Internet

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