6 Significant Benefits Of Abacus For Kids

6 Significant Benefits Of Abacus For Kids

Most of us are familiar with the use of an abacus for computer or counting purposes. Its origins were in the 16th and 17th centuries. And science had evolved to a much more advanced version with counters, bindings, and wires. Abacus for kids is a calculation tool that is used for mathematical calculations. In this… Continue reading 6 Significant Benefits Of Abacus For Kids

Five Best Strategies to Achieve Classroom Discipline

Do you think that silence looming over in the classroom and blank faces all across the desks are the classroom discipline? No, it’s not, the classroom discipline is a complex concept especially with its layer of subjectivity.

Christmas Celebration at CBSE School Howrah

Christmas Day is celebrated on 25th December, every year to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year and there are many wonderful ways to celebrate this holiday in school. Like other schools, the School in Howrah also celebrates this day. Here are few ideas to get started with… Continue reading Christmas Celebration at CBSE School Howrah

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