5 best ways to improve children academic results

5 best ways to improve children academic results

Every student in their educational journey expects a good result in their school. However, due to certain terms and conditions, their result won’t mark up to certain expectations. The prime reason for the bad result is not having effective planning. Therefore, we need to make the best planning that can provide excellent guidelines for the… Continue reading 5 best ways to improve children academic results

5 best strategies to make your child happy during school

It is quite common practice for the child at the beginning to visit the school. One of the most unlike things for a child. It might be several reasons like changing the environment, getting a conversion from comfort life to struggling life, unlike places, etc. However, it is the responsibility of the parents to search… Continue reading 5 best strategies to make your child happy during school

Steps to build an online classroom culture during the lockdown

We are in a pandemic phase where the majority of people are based on the Internet and online technology. Due to the pandemic condition of Covid-19, the entire phase of work, business, and education changed. This is the biggest change we can ever see in the history of causes. Nowadays, people need to be very… Continue reading Steps to build an online classroom culture during the lockdown

How to make your child more active socially

Several times we observe that our child is not having proper attention in their social life. They react to it as insecure, over-sensitive, and offends. The question is “why such things happen to our child?”. Well, there must be a different reason behind this insecurity. Being parents, we need to take it as a responsibility… Continue reading How to make your child more active socially

Importance of doing homework for the students

There are various advantages to doing homework for students. Homework plays an important role in students’ life but not all of them enjoy doing homework on a daily basis. They prefer spending some free time with other activities like (Playing video games, watching TV, outdoor games, hobbies, etc.). It is also true that they find… Continue reading Importance of doing homework for the students

Effects and Remedies of Choosing the Wrong Stream

Education is a beautiful and most important journey for student life. It brings a lot of changes in the body language of students and provides a great impact on their minds. Our educational journey starts from Pre-School to Toddlers followed by Primary school to High-school and at the end Graduation to Post-graduation. Also, some of… Continue reading Effects and Remedies of Choosing the Wrong Stream

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