Why CBSE after 10th ?

Why CBSE after 10th ?

It’s been a never-ending debate for the parents which Board is better and why? The board plays an important role in deciding the career of the students. Choosing subjects, techniques of learning methods, providing better facilities, expert teachers, sound environment and so many others decide the future of the students. There are plenty of benefits… Continue reading Why CBSE after 10th ?

Benefits of School Uniform

The school uniform is the symbol of discipline. It explains the status of the education system. But, somewhere in the middle of the school system, it becomes a debate for parents to choose. Some accept the level of Uniform is the presence of excellence and some deny the facts with different arguments. The dress code… Continue reading Benefits of School Uniform

Developing the habit of reading newspaper daily

Reading newspaper is a source of increasing knowledge in History/Politics/World news/Economics/Sports etc. It also increase your reading knowledge and capacity of speed. Reading newspaper can open the mind of a person. The students get the basic idea in understanding news and that also helps in debate and speech for a student. The best english medium… Continue reading Developing the habit of reading newspaper daily

Importance of Library in the School

Education is the most vital activity for your growth and culture. It let you learn the valuation of Life, time, and career. It makes you a truly responsible citizen of your country. One good school will give you the best components for education like Digital classroom, Science laboratory, Computer lab, and Library. You get all… Continue reading Importance of Library in the School

Benefit of Asking Questions to Students

Education is an important factor in terms of gripping the maturity of students.  It plays a vital role and its function is to provide the valuation of human and it’s life. I am about to share a story of a bright student. Who has given consistent performance till standard 9th? The moment he enters into… Continue reading Benefit of Asking Questions to Students

Step to Make School Fun For Kids

Every parent has a desire to provide the best education under the best school. Then the particular age arrives where your kids will need to start school. It is important for the kids to enjoy toddlers to pre-school and pre-school to high school. So that they can enjoy their education, learn effectively and consequently perform… Continue reading Step to Make School Fun For Kids

Importance of Science Among Students

Science is the most valuable subjects in the field of education. Science features different knowledge under different subjects. The Importance of Science is that it includes 3 most important subjects like Physics, chemistry, and biology. These three entities are unified and referred to as science. The entire universe can also come in between of this… Continue reading Importance of Science Among Students

Learn how to spell proper English

One can ensure the level of English by having proper knowledge of reading and speaking. It is no surprise that spellings of English words are confusing especially to small children. As such, it is essential to apply the right techniques so that they can learn how to spell proper English. Therefore, it is essential to… Continue reading Learn how to spell proper English

Benefits of Morning School

Morning School is an integral part of the school’s schedule. It gives special benefits to the students in the educational journey. It also helps in inculcating moral values in students. Morning school is important for a child’s development. The best CBSE school howrah regularly conducts morning assembly for students to instil discipline in them. Some… Continue reading Benefits of Morning School

Steps that give priority to your school work

Education is not enough until you finish it with proper knowledge. The measurement of success depends on the quality of education you get from school. Therefore, It is the responsibility of some howrah cbse school to take initiative actions against the priorities of School Work. Let your children understand the priorities of their school work.… Continue reading Steps that give priority to your school work

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