Tips to Improve Your Child Handwriting

Tips to Improve Your Child Handwriting

Handwriting is the most important aspect of your kid’s educational life. Good handwriting describes the valuation of your moral education. The handwriting can be good only if you are practising huge. Most parents are worried about their child’s handwriting. It is a common problem for every parent in the beginning. Writing will be easy for… Continue reading Tips to Improve Your Child Handwriting

Note Taking & Note Making Process

We join the classes in school and colleges with the utter truth of making notes. But there is distinguish in notes with Note Taking & Note Making. Note Taking is a process that is done at school colleges during lectures. Note Making is a process that is done instantly after the note-taking process. The importance… Continue reading Note Taking & Note Making Process

Step to set goal and achieve them

It is good to see a dream that you admire. But It is also your responsibility to work and complete your dream. Few things are important in life before setting your goal and achieving it. Just like a badminton player experience a “Warm-up” before a real game, so too does complete any goal produce a… Continue reading Step to set goal and achieve them

How to balance between study & life?

The life of the student is just not easy. It is very tough to maintain as students surround between various classes, coaching, tuition followed by home-work, assignment, and presentation. In between all these, they get confuse how to balance between study and life.  As a student you know that class-work is going to require a… Continue reading How to balance between study & life?

Positive Mindset in School

We live in a fast-paced country where we face a lot of challenges and criticisms in our everyday lives. Whether it’s at work, school, home, and elsewhere, we are constantly under pressure virtually by everyone. Similarly, We have the same level of pressure in the classroom while study. Therefore, it is the responsibility of faculty… Continue reading Positive Mindset in School

Understand and Guidance of a Teenage Brain

According to the recent research of the teenager’s human brain, shocking evidence provides by parents. Such evidence possibly explains the irrational, illogical and impulsive behaviour of teenagers. Due to advanced technology, the medical can scan the live teenage brain to do research about the curiosity and perplexing creatures of a teenage brain. The purpose of… Continue reading Understand and Guidance of a Teenage Brain

Choosing Public or Private School in Howrah

Education is the most valuable aspect in terms of every parent and their child. Education become vast compares to earlier days. Therefore, it is the duty of parents to decide whether their children will receive a public or private education in howrah. This is the prime section to consider for every best cbse school in… Continue reading Choosing Public or Private School in Howrah

Choosing the CBSE board school for your child’s education in howrah.

Wishing to provide the best for their child, parents are often in dilemma of selecting the right board of education for their little ones. In Howrah, CBSE board school selection is very significant for the overall development of the kids and thus parents do not want to take any chances in the same. Large numbers of… Continue reading Choosing the CBSE board school for your child’s education in howrah.

Benefits of Outdoor Play for Preschoolers

Presently it has been noticed in every household that children do not like to go outside. Generally, they like to play inside with their gaming consoles. They keep themselves engaged by watching cartoons on TV. It is very much important to make them experience the outside world properly. TV or video games are not the… Continue reading Benefits of Outdoor Play for Preschoolers

Five Social Disadvantages That Depress Student Performance

That students’ social and economic characteristics shape their cognitive and behavioral outcomes is well established, yet policymakers typically resist accepting that non-school disadvantages necessarily depress outcomes. Rather, they look to better schools and teachers to close achievement gaps and consistently come up short. In short, schools alone can’t close achievement gaps. Authorities at Sudhir Memorial… Continue reading Five Social Disadvantages That Depress Student Performance

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