Understand and Guidance of a Teenage Brain

Understand and Guidance of a Teenage Brain

According to the recent research of the teenager’s human brain, shocking evidence provides by parents. Such evidence possibly explains the irrational, illogical and impulsive behaviour of teenagers. Due to advanced technology, the medical can scan the live teenage brain to do research about the curiosity and perplexing creatures of a teenage brain. The purpose of… Continue reading Understand and Guidance of a Teenage Brain

Importance of Wellness Programs

It is a dynamic process of getting change and implies growth among students. Those who attend arts, music, drama, voice and visual arts bring some important messages in society. There are several educational boards are stepping up to bring these changes. The cbse schools are also taking initiative action by spreading wellness programs into physical… Continue reading Importance of Wellness Programs

Hygenic Tricks to Avoid Unhealthy Eating Habits

Hunger is a natural physical sensation, but can be difficult to measure in a massive community. Food insecurity provides a preferred method for weighing food deprivation. The relationship between food insecurity and health care needs lies in the core concept of Hunger. Food insecurity is a condition in which regular access to sufficient food is… Continue reading Hygenic Tricks to Avoid Unhealthy Eating Habits

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