Approach to early childhood education at CBSE school in Howrah

Approach to early childhood education at CBSE school in Howrah

Introduction Education from the beginning or from early childhood prove very important for the child from the child’s birth, they all began to start learning. Early childhood plays a crucial role in a child’s overall development and sets the foundation for their future academic success. If you also as a parents want to make your… Continue reading Approach to early childhood education at CBSE school in Howrah

Tips And Tricks To Cope With A Learning Disability

Introduction Has your child been diagnosed with a learning disability? Do you know what a learning disability is? It means they face some problems while learning or while gaining knowledge from any of the sources. Every child is special and they need love and encouragement to grow. These positive reinforcements are even crucial for kids… Continue reading Tips And Tricks To Cope With A Learning Disability

Why Should Cyber Security be Taught in Schools ?

Introduction After the Covid 19 pandemic, a large portion of kid’s education system shifted online. During Covid 19 pandemic, schools and colleges were closed and the online education system takes place. Children started surfing on their mobile apps and games the whole day. However, the online access had brought mental risks and internet security threats… Continue reading Why Should Cyber Security be Taught in Schools ?

How To Choose The Right CBSE School For Your Child?

A school is a place where the child’s mind gets reshaped and helps the holistic development of the child. A reputed school sets the right path for the students. Also, it reduces the burden on parents heads. Moreover, the school helps the child to choose their passion. Most importantly, the best CBSE school Howrah helps… Continue reading How To Choose The Right CBSE School For Your Child?

How to reduce exam stress from your child’s mind

Every test and exam makes a student a little nervous in every circumstance. It also provides stress to the students and their parents. The action of stress makes us more nervous and put an impact on the result of our child. Hence, we need to step up with certain actions that can avoid the stress… Continue reading How to reduce exam stress from your child’s mind

History of Halloween Celebrations

Halloween has been celebrated for hundreds of years, but what are the reasons or reasons behind this celebration. In order to find out just why this day is celebrated each year, let’s start with where Halloween came from and who started these celebrations of Halloween. It is to be said that Halloween began by the… Continue reading History of Halloween Celebrations

Internet Safety for Kids

This is the generation where the kids from infant to college are the genius about the phone, media player or technology that they use the most and you’ll hear so many electronics instruments like iPhone, iPod, iPad, smartwatch etc. So internet safety for kids is essential. Brand awareness and demand for such products among the… Continue reading Internet Safety for Kids

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