Strategies adopted by CBSE school for prevention and control of Dengue

Strategies adopted by CBSE school for prevention and control of Dengue

In a country like India, there are so many people suffering from different kinds of diseases. Among all, one kind of disease is DENGUE. The global burden of dengue is evident for 3.9 billion people at risk, 20,000 deaths, and 500,000 hospitalizations annually. Children have inherent inquisitiveness and eagerness to learn new things. Thus, they… Continue reading Strategies adopted by CBSE school for prevention and control of Dengue

Benefits of Growth and Skills for Child Development

The growth and skills help in improving the development and learning process of the child because it forms with different learning techniques. However, the learning process can be developed more with the CBSE affiliated schools in Howrah. These schools improve the set of skills with the help of teamwork, adaptability, critical thinking, problem-solving, self-control, and… Continue reading Benefits of Growth and Skills for Child Development

How to Create the best learning environment in the Classroom

Education builds our knowledge, thought, creativity, and innovation. Therefore, it is very important to have a school that can be able to provide the best learning environment in the classroom. It is almost the responsibility of the faculty members to create the classroom best by providing the learning methods, unique tasks, and different activities to… Continue reading How to Create the best learning environment in the Classroom

Top Benefits of Physical Activities for Kids

Physical activity is one of the most important things to do for school-aged kids. It is very important for your child to play, run, and move at least for 60 minutes. This activity will help in making them fit and healthy. There are several processes of making physical activities for kids. Such as making them… Continue reading Top Benefits of Physical Activities for Kids

5 ways to support your kids during Covid-19 outbreak

Covid-19 is one of the biggest fear of 2020 that brings lots of stress, anxieties, and depression. This becomes a nightmare for almost every person existing in the World. All these lockdowns, rising cases of Covid, use of mask, sanitizers, social distancing are part of Covid-19. However, we manage to cross 2020 with several treatments,… Continue reading 5 ways to support your kids during Covid-19 outbreak

Importance of physical activities during school-age

Physical activity is one of the important segments that make everyone fit. It is very important for all of us especially under the age of 15-45 years. Hence, every school must provide an option to conduct physical activities for every child during their school-age. Such as Running, Playing, Jumping, and moving are one of them.… Continue reading Importance of physical activities during school-age

How to deal with stress and anxiety from biology, humanities and arts

By the growing competition and advanced study, the students are facing stress and anxiety. This is quite common to describe and express because education is carrying various challenges in common. Therefore, we need to understand and balance the situation that makes student stress and anxiety. There are several cbse board school in howrah that provides… Continue reading How to deal with stress and anxiety from biology, humanities and arts

5 techniques to reduce the stress of children

Our child faces several stressful situations in daily life. We might not notice such a situation but in real life, it does exist and gives numerous pressure on our children. Daily School, Class Work, Home Work, private tutoring, Coaching, and Other curriculum activities like Swimming, Karate, gymnastics, Drawing, Dance, Drama, etc. are part of the… Continue reading 5 techniques to reduce the stress of children

The power and benefits of daily meditation

We might be wonder about the real definition and power of meditation. We are also surprised to see its result comes from. Hence, we need to deeply understand the real purpose of meditation and the benefits of meditation in our life. Meditation is a continuous thought of an object. It is a process that converts… Continue reading The power and benefits of daily meditation

How to deal physically and mentally during Covid-19

There are more than millions of people are getting affected by the most dangerous COVID-19 Virus. This virus makes the entire situation mesmerize all across the world.  Therefore, most of the country is under the lockdown process from the last several months. The reason behind the lockdown is to decrease the number of Covid-19 infected… Continue reading How to deal physically and mentally during Covid-19

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